Document Search

Please note that the Keyword Search searches for the word (or phrase, if you have typed in more than one word) in the Document Number and Description fields. If you are searching for a specific product, please use the Product drop-down list.
Description Document Number Old Number
Rotalk Issue 25 - Valve Actuation News from Rotork PUB000-019 Rotalk_25
Rotalk Issue 26 - Valve Actuation News from Rotork PUB000-020 Rotalk_26
Rotalk Issue 27 - Valve Actuation News from Rotork PUB000-021 Rotalk_27
Rotalk Issue 28 - Valve Actuation News from Rotork PUB000-022 Rotalk_28
Rotalk Issue 29 - Valve Actuation News from Rotork PUB000-023 Rotalk_29
Rotalk Issue 30 - Valve Actuation News from Rotork PUB000-024 Rotalk_30
Rotalk Issue 31 - Flow Control News From Rotork PUB000-025 Rotalk_31
Rotalk Issue 32 - Flow Control News From Rotork PUB000-026 Rotalk_32
Rotalk Issue 33 - Flow Control News From Rotork PUB000-027 Rotalk_33
AWWA Certificate of Compliance - IW10 450 lb ft PUB028-005 N/A
AWWA Certificate of Compliance - IW11 PUB028-006 N/A
AWWA Certificate of Compliance - IW11 450 lb ft PUB028-007 N/A
AWWA Certificate of Compliance - IW12 PUB028-008 N/A
AWWA Certificate of Compliance - IW12 450 lbft PUB028-009 N/A
AWWA Certificate of Compliance - IW5 PUB028-010 N/A
AWWA Certificate of Compliance - IW5 450 lb ft PUB028-011 N/A
AWWA Certificate of Compliance - IW6 PUB028-012 N/A
AWWA Certificate of Compliance - IW6 450 lb ft PUB028-013 N/A
AWWA Certificate of Compliance - IW72 PUB028-014 N/A
AWWA Certificate of Compliance - IW72 450 lb ft PUB028-015 N/A
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