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Description Document Number Old Number
AWWA Certificate of Compliance - IW85 PUB028-016 N/A
AWWA Certificate of Compliance - IW85 450 lb ft PUB028-017 N/A
AWWA Certificate of Compliance - IW9 PUB028-018 N/A
AWWA Certificate of Compliance - IW9 450 lb ft PUB028-019 N/A
Certificate of Compliance AWWA - Summary Sheet PUB028-020 N/A
Rotork 10 Year Trading History PUB000-028 N/A
RFS ATEX Certificate - Lucca PUB010-006 IND-F-012_ATEX
AWWA Spec PUB027-005 N/A
Installation and maintenance instructions for PF-1210 position sensor - Legacy PUB055-002 IM-0158
Installation and maintenance instructions for LF-1210 position sensor - Legacy PUB055-003 IM-0467
Instruction manual for LA-2800 series electric linear actuators - Legacy PUB045-005 IM-0476
Instruction manual for MT-6210 position indication meter - Legacy PUB055-004 IM-0477
Instruction manual for MT-6220 series remote control/readout - Legacy PUB055-005 IM-0480
Instruction Manual for AD-8800 series on-off static output servo amplifier - Legacy PUB053-003 IM-0483
Installation and operating instructions for ST-4130 series 2-wire transmitter - Legacy PUB055-006 IM-0494
Installation manual for PF-1010 position sensor and PT-1010 position transmitter - Legacy PUB055-007 IM-0496
Instruction manual AD-7300 series servo amplifier - Legacy PUB069-001 IM-0497
Instruction manual AD-7500 series servo amplifier - Legacy PUB069-002 IM-0500
Instruction manual for AD-8850 and AD-8860 servo amplifiers - Legacy PUB053-004 IM-0502
Instruction manual for LA-5100 series linear actuators - Legacy PUB070-001 IM-0511