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Description Document Number Old Number
Instruction manual for LA-5200 series linear actuators - Legacy PUB070-002 IM-0512
Instruction manual for MC-1100 electric to pneumatic converter - Legacy PUB071-001 IM-0521
Installation and maintenance instructions for MV-1100 series linear electric valve actuator - Legacy PUB072-001 IM-0524
Installation and maintenance instructions for PT-1400 two wire position transmitter - Legacy PUB055-008 IM-0525
Installation and maintenance instructions for PT-1300 position transmitter - Legacy PUB055-009 IM-0526
Instruction manual for MV-1100/AD-8110 series electric sliding stem valve operators - Legacy PUB072-002 IM-0529
Instruction manual for EC-10656 loss of signal - Legacy PUB055-010 IM-0538
Installation and operating instructions for ST-4100 series AC line-powered transmitters - Legacy PUB055-011 IM-0533
Installation and operating instructions for SM/LA-3300 series fail-safe actuators - Legacy PUB073-001 IM-0540
Installation and operating instructions for SM/LA-3330 series fail-safe actuators with built in AD-8200 amplifiers PUB073-002 IM-0541
Installation and operating instructions for SM/LA-3330 series fail-safe actuators with built in AD-8200 amplifiers - Legacy PUB073-003 IM-0541
Installation and operating instructions for EC-10728 & EC-10729 AC powered transmitters - Legacy PUB055-012 IM-0543
Instruction manual for LA-2900 series linear actuators - Legacy PUB045-006 IM-0544
Instruction manual for LA-5300 series electric linear actuators - Legacy PUB070-003 IM-0551
Instruction manual for CS-7200 series control stations - Legacy PUB074-001 IM-0552
Instruction manual for LA-1500 series linear actuators - Legacy PUB075-001 IM-0567
Instruction manual for AD-7530 linear DC drive - Legacy PUB069-003 IM-0576
Instruction manual for RP-4000 reserve power control - Legacy PUB076-001 IM-0580
Installation and operating instructions for AD-7700 amplifiers - Legacy PUB069-004 IM-0585
Instruction manual for EC-10797 signal conversion module - Legacy PUB055-013 IM-0594