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Description Document Number Old Number
Interim Management Statement from the 2009 AGM PUB082-002 N/A
CP/D Range General Dimension Data - Metric PUB013-004 N/A
CP/S Range General Dimension Data - Metric PUB013-005 N/A
Rotork Environmental Report 2007 PUB082-003 N/A
G Range Valve Coupling Dimension Data - Metric (GP / GH / GO / HPG) PUB083-001 GD00198-030
G Range Power Control Coupling Dimension Data - Metric (GP / GH / GO / HPG) PUB083-002 GD00198-040
CP Range IP66 and IP67 Conformity Certificate PUB013-006 CP IP66
GP/GH Range IP66 and IP67 Conformity Certificate PUB011-013 GP_IP66
LP/LH Range IP66 and IP67 Conformity Certificate PUB020-003 LP_IP66
Rotork GmbH IS0 9001 Certificate PUB010-007 IT232429/UK
Rotork Fluid Systems SRL ISO 9001 Certificate PUB010-008 IT232429/UK
Rotork Controls, Inc. ISO 9001 Certificate PUB010-009 US007748-1
RFS PED Compliance Certificate Mod. H - Lucca PUB010-010 N/A
P Range Supplemental Metric and Imperial Torque Data - Legacy PUB012-018 PTIS018
H Range Supplemental Metric and Imperial Torque Data - Legacy PUB012-019 PTIS019
P Range Metric and Imperial Torque Data - Legacy PUB012-020 PTIS020
H Range Metric and Imperial Torque Data - Legacy PUB012-021 PTIS021
2001 Preliminary Results Press Release - March 2002 PUB082-004 N/A
RH Range ABS Assessment PUB019-005 RH_ABS
RH Range General Dimension Data - Metric PUB019-006 RH_STD