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Description Document Number Old Number
Using Actuators to Reduce Emissions PUB000-030 RP0101
A Range 2 day Training Course PUB000-032 N/A
Report and Accounts 2000 PUB082-005 N/A
2002 Preliminary Results Presentation - March 2003 PUB082-007 N/A
2004 Preliminary Results Presentation - March 2004 PUB082-008 N/A
Approvals and Certifications - Jordan Legacy CSA approved products PUB041-005 N/A
AQ Range 1 day Training Course PUB000-033 N/A
Audit Committee Terms of Reference PUB082-009 N/A
Directions to Bath Factory and Offices PUB001-002 N/A
Data sheet for CS-7200 series control stations - Legacy PUB074-002 N/A
IQ / IQT Mk2 Drive Bushing ID Chart - Legacy PUB002-033 DOC1683
Rotork Environmental Report 2008 PUB082-011 N/A
Rotork Environmental Report 2004 PUB082-013 N/A
Rotork Environmental Report 2005 PUB082-014 N/A
Rotork Environmental Report 2006 PUB082-015 N/A
Rotork Environmental Report 2003 PUB082-016 N/A
Rotork UK End Markets (Rotork Sales & Service Subsidiary) ISO 9001 Certificate PUB027-008 FM 02245
Rotork Controls Ltd FDT Group Certificate for DTM V2.0.3 PUB001-004 N/A
Rotork Controls Ltd FTSE 4 Good Certificate of Membership PUB000-034 N/A
G Range Microswitch Coupling Dimension Data - Metric (GP / GH / GO / HPG) PUB083-003 GD00220