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Description Document Number Old Number
SVM GGTN-K Industrial Safety Permit - Legacy PUB026-003 N/A
GH Range with HP Override General Dimension Data - Metric PUB011-016 N/A
Jordan Controls Glossary of Terms - Legacy PUB041-006 N/A
SVM GOST-K Certificate of Conformity Exemption - Legacy PUB026-004 N/A
Rotork Health and Safety Policy PUB082-018 N/A
High Temperature Spec PUB027-013 N/A
IB/AS Manual Combinations Sizing Guide PUB030-006 N/A
IB/AS Motor Combinations Sizing Guide PUB030-007 N/A
Spare Parts List For Range Of Bevel Gear Operators PUB030-010 N/A
Report and Accounts 2004 - Accounts Restated under IFRS PUB082-019 N/A
Report and Accounts 2004 - Accounts Restated under IFRS Summary PUB082-020 N/A
Report and Accounts 2004 - Accounts Restated under IFRS Presentation PUB082-021 N/A
2002 Interim Results - August 2002 PUB082-022 N/A
2002 Interim Results Presentation - August 2002 PUB082-023 N/A
2003 Interim Results - August 2003 PUB082-024 N/A
2003 Interim Results Presentation - August 2003 PUB082-025 N/A
2004 Interim Results - August 2004 PUB082-026 N/A
2004 Interim results presentation - August 2004 PUB082-027 N/A
2005 Interim Results - August 2005 PUB082-028 N/A
2005 Interim results presentation - August 2005 PUB082-029 N/A