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Description Document Number Old Number
SI Installation Manual PUB021-003 E770
Twin Power Brochure (Legacy) PUB025-002 F904
Nuclear Gearboxes Brochure (Legacy) PUB027-003 RG010
IW Datasheet Metric (Legacy) PUB028-001 RGm110
IW Datasheet Imperial (Legacy) PUB028-002 RGi110
IW AWWA Datasheet Imperial PUB028-003 RGi112
IW 14-17 datasheet metric PUB029-001 RGm111
IW 14-17 Datasheet Imperial PUB029-002 RGi111
IB Datasheet Metric PUB030-001 RGm210
IB Datasheet Imperial PUB030-002 RGi210
IS Datasheet Metric PUB031-001 RGm211
IS Datasheet Imperial PUB031-002 RGi211
232 Datasheet Metric PUB034-001 RGm410
232 Datasheet Imperial PUB034-002 RGi410
WGS Datasheet Metric PUB036-001 RGm510
WGS Datasheet Imperial PUB036-002 RGi510
ILG-D Datasheet Metric PUB038-001 RGm610
ILGD-C Datasheet Imperial PUB038-003 N/A
DSIR Datasheet Metric PUB040-001 RGm710
DSIR Datasheet Imperial PUB040-002 RGi710
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