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Description Document Number Old Number
IQD Pro Electric Motor Performance Data DC for product shipped after September 2007 - Legacy PUB002-021 E130DC2
IQT Pro, IQTF Pro and IQTM Pro Motor Performance Data PUB002-022 E135
Lightning and Surge Protection PUB000-005 E154
Packing information for Rotork Actuators PUB000-006 E155
IQ Mk1 Installation and Maintenance Manual - Legacy PUB002-023 E170
IQ Mk2 Installation and Maintenance Manual - Legacy PUB002-024 E170-2
IQ Mk2 Basic Setting Instructions - Legacy PUB002-025 E171
IQ Mk2 Basic Setting Instructions - Legacy PUB002-026 E171-2
IQT Part-turn Installation and Maintenance Manual - Legacy PUB002-028 E175
IQT Pro Part-turn Battery Fail-safe Installation and Maintenance Manual PUB002-029 E176
IQTF (IQT Pro Full-turn) Multiport Basic Setting Instructions PUB002-030 E177
IQ Pro Multi-turn / IQT Pro Part-turn - Basic Setting Instructions PUB002-031 E178
A Range Sales Brochure (Legacy) PUB003-001 E210
A Range Installation and Maintenance Manual (Legacy) PUB003-002 E270
AWT Optional remote circuits (Legacy) PUB005-005 E321
AWT Electric Motor Performance 3 phase (Legacy) PUB005-006 E330
AWT Paint Information (Legacy) PUB005-007 E351
AWT Switch Mechanism Turns Selection (Legacy) PUB005-008 E352
IQ Mk2 Modulating Actuators - Electric Motor Performance Data PUB002-032 E430
AQ Range Installation and Maintenance Manual PUB006-001 E570
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