
Risk Management

Risk appetite framework The Board is responsible for determining the nature and extent of the risks it is willing to take in achieving our strategic objectives. Our Group risk appetite statement sets the tone from the top and supports decision...

Midland-ACS | Rotork Midland | Pneumatic Valves And Manifolds

Since our foundation in 1956, we have been known internationally as one of the oil & gas industries premier designers and manufacturers of 316L stainless steel control equipment. Over the years we have developed an enviable reputation for high quality...


Soluzioni Schischek HVAC – Attuatori Ignifughi e Sistemi di Controllo Attuatori elettrici ignifughi per il riscaldamento, la ventilazione e la climatizzazione, per applicazioni industriali e offshore. Sviluppati insieme ad altre apparecchiature di controllo per la produzione di moderni, affidabili e...

Run / Max+ Lin Range Linear Explosion Proof Actuators

Run / Max+ Lin Range linear explosionproof actuators. Run and Lin range electric linear valve actuators are designed for use in Ex areas for all gases, mists, vapours and dust. Linear conversion for safety applications (Fail-safe function) in combination with...

Max Range Electric Explosion Proof Part-turn Actuator

Max Range part-turn explosionproof actuators. Compact, robust and lightweight electric part-turn valve actuator, designed for use in Ex areas for all gases, mists, vapours and dust. On/off duty as standard 24 - 240 VAC/VDC universal power supply Standard ISO flanges...

Reg Range HVAC Control Systems

Reg Range HVAC explosionproof control systems. The Reg Range controller system has been designed for use in Ex areas for all gases, mists, vapours and dust. In combination with ExMax actuators it is a closed loop control system for volume...

Attuatori penumatici fail-safe

K-TORK Air Fail-Safe actuators incorporate an integral air reservoir to fail valve in desired position upon loss of air pressure, electrical power, or both. Available for general purpose or hazardous area classification installations. Economical alternative to large, heavy mechanical spring-return...


The Ranger CG Corrosion-Guard finish greatly extends the life of the actuator in highly-corrosive environments. The housing and vane are treated both inside and out while the Ranger CG system treats all internal threads and cavities. The Ranger CG actuators...

Documentazione K-TORK

Pubblicazioni Prodotto K-TORK Brochure Ranger Corrosion Guard Manuali K-TORK Installation and Maintenance Manual Specifiche AWWA Pneumatic Rotary Vane Valve Actuators Link alla pagina di Certificazione del Prodotto

Disegni tecnici K-TORK

Disegni dimensionali e dati per i prodotti correnti (dal 2014 in avanti) KT-03 KT-03-DA, Actuator only KT-03-SR, Actuator only KT-06 KT-06-DA, Actuator only KT-06-SR, Actuator only KT-10 KT-10-DA, Actuator Only KT-10-DA-M, Actuator + HwMO KT-10-SR, Actuator Only KT-10-HwMO, De-clutch Gear...

Type K - Serie PM/DM

L'albero di azionamento e la leva di azionamento si trovano esattamente nella medesima posizione rispetto ai fori dei bulloni di fissaggio a pavimento La base e i fori di fissaggio combaceranno con quelli dell'azionamento già esistente La leva sarà dimensionalmente...

Serie FasTrak

L'azionamento per il retrofit delle valvole di tiraggio FasTraK Type K Rotork è stato progettato per fornire un prodotto già pronto a sostituire i diffusi azionamenti per valvole di tiraggio più datati. Dopo decenni di interventi di retrofit di azionamenti...

Serie LX

The LX Series pneumatic linear damper drive is proven to be the most reliable, robust and premium quality drive for severe duty applications. A properly specified LX Series is capable of operating for millions of cycles in harsh applications with...

Serie JR

Le serie JR furono progettate specificatamente per le caldaie a parete con i bruciatori che utilizzavano una combinazione di combustibile e aria di combustione. Le Serie JR controllano l'aria secondaria che è introdotta nel bruciatore; il rapporto aria/combustibile è regolato...

Serie CT

The CT Series linear damper drive was designed specifically for fuel air and auxiliary air applications on CE / Alstom / T-fired / Corner-fired boilers. The CT Series provides excellent and efficient control of the Secondary Air within the windbox...

Termini e Condizioni

Please click here for terms and conditions that apply to sales made by Rotork to its customers Please click here for our Code of Conduct for Suppliers and terms and conditions that apply to purchases made by Rotork Please click...

ROMpak Range Electric Valve Actuator - 3D Models

The Actuator files have been created as single part files using Rotork’s native CAD system Solid Edge (version external data has been modelled to provide an accurate representation of the envelope shape, but no internal detail has been modelled....

ROM Range Electric Valve Actuators - 3D Models

The Actuator files have been created as single part files using Rotork’s native CAD system Solid Edge (version external data has been modelled to provide an accurate representation of the envelope shape, but no internal detail has been modelled....

GT Range Pneumatic Piston Actuator

GT Range single- and double-acting pneumatic piston actuators. Design Single- and double-acting pneumatic piston actuators (rack and pinion) Action Standard 90°, optional 120°, 180° , 240° or custom angles Stroke adjustment -5° to +5° from 90° position Single and double...

ILGD Range Declutchable Gearbox Options

PS Handwheels SG Handwheels SG Flat Handwheels SS Handwheels T Wrench/Square Nut Fixed Extensions Padlock Device Inserts 05 Inserts 07 Inserts 090 Inserts 10 Inserts 150 Inserts 240 Inserts 500 Please contact Rotork Gears for further information regarding the following...