CVA Pocket Enlight

CVA Pocket Enlight software is a graphical user interface (GUI) allowing all CVA set-up, configuration and data logger information to be reviewed, analysed and reconfigured, via a Smartphone or PDA running a windows O/S.

The visually interactive stand alone application makes analysing the data from a CVA simple and fast. Smartphones and PDA’s with Bluetooth built-in can be directly connected to an actuator located in the field to allow set up, adjustment and analysis.

CVA Pocket Enlight Software is fully compatible with Windows Pocket PC 2003, Windows Mobile 5.0 and Windows Mobile 6.0.

Pocket Enlight has been developed to use unified configuration and datalogger files making it compatible with the PC version of Enlight. Both CVA Enlight versions can now share actuator datalogger and configuration files allowing transfer of data to and from the actuator on site. Information on actuator specification, set up and operation can be shared between colleagues and sites and when required with Rotork representatives.

Bluetooth is a registered trademark of the Bluetooth Association.

Minimum PDA Operating Requirements
  • Windows Mobile 2003, 5.0 or 6.0
  • 50MB free ROM space
  • Minimum 240x320 touch-screen resolution (Aspect ratio 4:3 only)
  • Bluetooth 1.2 (2.0 or higher recommended)

*While every effort has been made to ensure that Pocket Enlight works with these systems, individual operating system/PDA set-up may affect operation. Pocket Enlight operation cannot be guaranteed with other operating systems. Rotork cannot be held responsible if Pocket Enlight or any of its parts does not work on any specific PDA/Smartphone.

WEB - CVA Actuator - Main
Instructions for download
Pocket Enlight for PDA

When prompted, save to a folder on your PC hard disk. The downloaded file is a compressed .zip file, containing a Windows Mobile installer .CAB file. Unzip the .CAB file and copy to a suitable location on your PDA device (My Documents recommended). Using the PDA device, navigate to the file and simply tap the .CAB file to run the installer application. Follow the instructions on-screen to complete installation.

Each actuator is password protected and the following are the standard factory defaults:

Level1 Username: view

Level1 Password: view

Level2 Username: user

Level2 Password: sulis

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